The wait is over, folks.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My blog officially exists and my adventure has begun!!!

Before launching into the fun details about my journey I feel the need to catch you up to speed by summing up the past four days in one word: absurd. Looking back I have no idea why I thought it logical or necessary to allot a buffer of only 2 days between job exit + apartment move-out, and my grand departure to South America. Luckily, I know some pretty incredible people who helped me stay sane amidst the chaos and keep my eyes on the prize. I need to give a serious shout out to my tireless moving helpers/belongings storers, goodbye breakfast/lunch/dinner treaters, bed/couch lenders, patient and resourceful packing guru, technology pro, and all the amazing well wishers. You know who you are, and I am incredibly grateful for your support.

Now as I type I am literally flying to New York, en route to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I will be living for a month doing intensive Spanish studies at a language school. In leaving for this open-ended trip I am committing myself to not coming home until I have solidified my fluency, once and for all. My passion for the language and Latin American culture is what leads me South, and when I return I aim to find a job that involves speaking Spanish.

Beyond my stint in Buenos Aires my plan is merely a cobbled outline of places that have sparked my interest. My goal is to explore Argentina and then venture into as many countries as I can, namely Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela. I also intend to volunteer along the way in towns that inspire, working with community members in some capacity.

My hopes for this blog project are that you will come back often to check in on my whereabouts, comment mucho, and share experiences of your own. Thanks for accompanying me from afar! And off I go...


Ashlee said...

How amazing Jenny--
1. That you're taking this adventure.
2. That you're blogging from the plane. I've yet to have internet in the sky.

Take care! I can't wait to